Wednesday, April 17, 2013


What is the best martial art?

When you ask people they will answer KARATE Karate is the best
When you ask people they will answer Silat silat most good
When you ask people fighting their degrees will answer most DEGREES good fight.

why all say nice laaaa, continues where the most good?
Actually, it's all good martial arts, each has its own advantages and characteristics of each, Karate with its own peculiar characteristics, Tarung degree with its own peculiar characteristics and Silat also with its own peculiar characteristics.

Never one another to demonize this self-defense and martial compare with that we struggled. All have advantages and disadvantages of each, if we have a deficiency in our martial arts, we have to improve the deficiency in our martial arts type. We better focus our martial martial because vilify others will just show our shortcomings.

Let us practice diligently diligently and spirit, the purpose was not to conquer the martial others but how can we conquer ourselves, no one is strong and there are also those who are weak, weak man if he wanted stronger then he will be strong, and if the strong man said "he was the most powerful" surely he has shown his own weaknesses, all back to us.

"Karateka adjust to the environment and not the environment that adapts to the karateka
Karateka honor society, honor society karateka ". = Shihan Nardi =

Oss ...


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