Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Often times we hear this question every time we meet someone when we talk about self-defense. And many answers that we get when we ask someone or practitioners of different martial arts that is the most effective martial arts, self-defense was effective, ohh I think this is the most effective martial art.
Well in this post I will discuss and give an explanation to the reader of the writer knows very little knowledge about the above questions. Martial what is the most effective ...?
According to the authors most martial arts is not a martial art, not a self-defense martial art and not this and that, but really all that effective self-defense but what about a resident of the martial arts that he wrestled, he was able to apply all or little knowledge or techniques he learned while fighting on the streets or free fighting.
nah,,, a practitioner of martial arts training is not only muscle strength but emotional train when dealing with enemies on the outside but that does not mean looking for the enemy lo ... yaa, we often refer to as a practitioner of martial arts fighting outside, a technique he learned during training not be able to apply what he learned while fighting outside, or the real fight.
Now the question is WHY ..?
usual, the martial arts practitioners have honed their emotions, so when he was fighting outside the rush and he got carried away, so a fight with an unstable emotional state, as a result of fighting to be inconsequential, for which he should be able to knock your opponent quickly and precisely even can not .
Baladiri it not only build muscle, but also form a good emotion, the longer we practice, the more stable is also our emotions, a martial arts expert is a lady who is able to apply their competencies in training and when confronted with a problem. Not only issues related to the fight but a variety of issues.
When faced with an opponent or when kumite or when fighting or sparring, should now give a punch or kick us what we thought at first, what do we kick how we fend off, we also have to look for a good chance that punches and kicks that we give to opponent nested correctly and on target, instead of banging and kicking is not clear.
Okay so first
if there is a lack of knowledge it is only because the author is very shallow. Thank you
Oss ..
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