Diberitahukan kepada senpai-senpai khususnya teman- teman yang latihan di Dojo Atmajaya supaya besok hari minggu tanggal 5 Mei 2013 diupayakan untuk hadir dalam pembukaan Dojo baru di Wates. Kita kumpulnya di depan gedung KONI Malioboro seperti yang telah disampaikan oleh Sensei Burhan kemarin jam 14.00 sudah ada disana.
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Monday, April 29, 2013
Diberitahukan kepada senpai-senpai khususnya teman- teman yang latihan di Dojo Atmajaya supaya besok hari minggu tanggal 5 Mei 2013 diupayakan untuk hadir dalam pembukaan Dojo baru di Wates. Kita kumpulnya di depan gedung KONI Malioboro seperti yang telah disampaikan oleh Sensei Burhan kemarin jam 14.00 sudah ada disana.
Ujian Pembinaan Mental Karate Kyokushinkai Kuartal I tahun 2013
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Often times we hear this question every time we meet someone when we talk about self-defense. And many answers that we get when we ask someone or practitioners of different martial arts that is the most effective martial arts, self-defense was effective, ohh I think this is the most effective martial art.
Well in this post I will discuss and give an explanation to the reader of the writer knows very little knowledge about the above questions. Martial what is the most effective ...?
According to the authors most martial arts is not a martial art, not a self-defense martial art and not this and that, but really all that effective self-defense but what about a resident of the martial arts that he wrestled, he was able to apply all or little knowledge or techniques he learned while fighting on the streets or free fighting.
nah,,, a practitioner of martial arts training is not only muscle strength but emotional train when dealing with enemies on the outside but that does not mean looking for the enemy lo ... yaa, we often refer to as a practitioner of martial arts fighting outside, a technique he learned during training not be able to apply what he learned while fighting outside, or the real fight.
Now the question is WHY ..?
usual, the martial arts practitioners have honed their emotions, so when he was fighting outside the rush and he got carried away, so a fight with an unstable emotional state, as a result of fighting to be inconsequential, for which he should be able to knock your opponent quickly and precisely even can not .
Baladiri it not only build muscle, but also form a good emotion, the longer we practice, the more stable is also our emotions, a martial arts expert is a lady who is able to apply their competencies in training and when confronted with a problem. Not only issues related to the fight but a variety of issues.
When faced with an opponent or when kumite or when fighting or sparring, should now give a punch or kick us what we thought at first, what do we kick how we fend off, we also have to look for a good chance that punches and kicks that we give to opponent nested correctly and on target, instead of banging and kicking is not clear.
Okay so first
if there is a lack of knowledge it is only because the author is very shallow. Thank you
Oss ..
What is the best martial art?
When you ask people they will answer KARATE Karate is the best
When you ask people they will answer Silat silat most good
When you ask people fighting their degrees will answer most DEGREES good fight.
why all say nice laaaa, continues where the most good?
Actually, it's all good martial arts, each has its own advantages and characteristics of each, Karate with its own peculiar characteristics, Tarung degree with its own peculiar characteristics and Silat also with its own peculiar characteristics.
Never one another to demonize this self-defense and martial compare with that we struggled. All have advantages and disadvantages of each, if we have a deficiency in our martial arts, we have to improve the deficiency in our martial arts type. We better focus our martial martial because vilify others will just show our shortcomings.
Let us practice diligently diligently and spirit, the purpose was not to conquer the martial others but how can we conquer ourselves, no one is strong and there are also those who are weak, weak man if he wanted stronger then he will be strong, and if the strong man said "he was the most powerful" surely he has shown his own weaknesses, all back to us.
"Karateka adjust to the environment and not the environment that adapts to the karateka
Karateka honor society, honor society karateka ". = Shihan Nardi =
Oss ...
Train speed can either punch or kick with a workout routine and exercise alone at home, train speed can kick with rubber, or in a motorcycle tire, the rubber tied to a strong pole and tie one end in the foot again. Perform regular kick with the left foot up to 10 times and 10 times the right foot.
The exercise should be at practice every day with a good portion of the exercise, the kick velocity will be formed, as this exercise is very effective because when doing leg kicks will be on the pull back by the rubber, because it is in practice every day then the speed will be formed by itself because the habit.
To train hand speed, in fact it could be trained on the use of rubber speerti and added the push-up exercise. Push up exercises serve to strengthen the hand muscles and exercises using rubber serves to speed the hand while making a stroke. Similar to the above must be done regularly and with a portion of the maximum.
Exercise speeds did not take long if we exercise regularly, if we practice every day then most will see results after 1 month of training. Can exercise every day for visible results more quickly and effectively provided it has a strong will. But if you exercise every day should be balanced with a healthy diet and adequate nutrition for energy drained faster.
And before doing the exercises do not forget to warm up first so-bib muscles become flexible as using rubber exercise is also very risky with muscle cramps so advisable to warm up before exercise.
Good luck
Oss ....
Friday, April 12, 2013
Beberapa aspek yang perlu di perhatikan
Pada kali ini penulis akan membahas bagaimana urutan-urutan dalam latihan, supaya latihan kita maksimal. Saat latihan kita juga perlu memperhatikan apa yang lebih dahulu kita bentuk apakah power atau kekuatan, keindahan atau seni, kecepatan, ketepatan dan kelenturan.
Monday, April 8, 2013
- Sebelum dan sesudah latihan harus dilakukan dengan upacara saling menghormati.
- Latihan anya akan dimulai dan ditutup setelah upacara tersebut no. 1 dilakukan dengan sopan santun
- Waktu latihan dilarang makan apapun, merokok, bergurau, bercakap-cakap diluar soal yang berhubungan dengan latihan (kecuali dalam waktu istirahat)
- Yang merasa terlampau lelah boleh istirahat ditempat sampai waktu istirahat diberikan kecuali dalam keadaan yang istimewa dengan seijin pengajar diperbolehkan meninggalkan ruangan latihan.
- istirahat diberikan pada saat-saat tertentu menurut kebutuhan dan sekali-kali bukan karena rasa malas.
- Semua pelajaran yang diberikan harus diperhatikan dan diikuti dengan sungguh-sungguh, yang merasa kurang jelas boleh bertanya sejelas0jelasnya asal dalam batas yang normal dan bukan karena kurangnya perhatian.
- Saya akan berlatih dengan sekuat tenaga saya, dengan kemauan keras, berdisiplin dan dengan spirit yang tak tergoyahkan.
- Saya akan mengikuti arti yang semurni-murninya dari seni pembelaan diri "KARATE" ini, dan dalam keadaan apapun saya akan selalu siap dan waspada.
- Saya akan bersifat rendah hati, halus budi menghormati orang lain yang layak saya hormati, menghindari kekerasan dan tidak akan menodai nama baik seni beladiri "KARATE" ini.
- Saya akan bertindak bijaksana, mencari kekuatan lahir bathin untuk tujuan mulia.
- Saya akan berusaha sepanjang hidup saya. melalui disiplin dan jiwa karate, bertindak ksatria dengan penuh rasa perikemanusiaan.
- Saya akan membela mereka yang lemah tapi benar, dan akan menahan tindakan mereka yang berlaku sewenang-wenang dengan penuh kebijaksanaan serta menjauhkan diri dari tindakan berat sebelah
- Saya hanya akan mempergunakan kekuatan saya dalam keadaan terpaksa untuk membela kehormatan diri pribadi atau orang lain yang pantas saya tolong dan tidak ada jalan lain untuk menghindarinya. Serta tidak akan memamerkan seni beladiri "KARATE" ini secara tidak pada tempatnya.
Monday, April 1, 2013